Hosting an elaborate and lavish event is not an easy task. It needs an extensive preparation to make an occasion a grand one. A wide range of particulars needs to be taken care of, to make your event a magnificent one. Among various particulars, Napkins are one of the most essential elements that are required to make your table ensemble a compete one. The Premium Satin Lamour 20”x20” Napkins is one of the best options that you can consider for the guest tables of your event
Amaze your Guests with these Finely Textured Napkins
Made of the finest satin, these Napkins offer a fine texture and beautiful subtle luster that is unique in itself. These napkins are not only highly functional, but also offer resistance to stains and wrinkles. Introducing these luxurious and gorgeous looking napkins to your table setup will not only complete your table décor but will also offer your guest tables with an enviable look. Whether, you are hosting a Wedding Ceremony, Bar Mitzvah, Engagement Party, Prom or any other kind of grand events, the Premium Satin Lamour 20”x20” Napkins are the one that will infuse high spirits and energy to your table setup.You can order other accessories like
Premium Matte Satin/Lamour Table Runner,
Premium Oval Matte Satin/Lamour Tablecloths,
Premium Overlay Matte Satin/Lamour Tablecloth (Also known as Table Square)
- Dimensions: 20" x 20"
- One Pack: 1 Dozen (12 Napkins)
- Finish: Surged
- Ships from NJ
- Seamless for this size
- Usually ships in 24 hours to 48 hours
- Care instructions: Hand wash. Do not put in dryer, hang dry only